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Writer: Fendo UKFendo UK


When we are faced with violence, our bodies and minds often respond in various ways as a means of coping with the traumatic experience. These responses, commonly known as trauma responses, encompass a range of emotional, cognitive, and physiological reactions.

Understanding these responses is important for effectively supporting people who have experienced violence.

Here are five common trauma responses observed when someone is faced with violence.......


The fight response is a natural instinctive reaction characterised by a heightened state of arousal and a strong urge to confront or fight against the perceived threat.

Someone experiencing the fight response may feel a surge of adrenaline, increased heart rate, and heightened senses, preparing them for potential physical confrontation.

This response can manifest as aggression, assertiveness, or an intense desire to defend themselves or others.

While the fight response can be adaptive in situations where immediate action is necessary for survival, it can also escalate conflict and increase the risk of further harm if not managed effectively.


The flight response involves an overwhelming urge to escape or run from the source of danger.

Someone experiencing the flight response may feel a sense of panic, anxiety, or fear, driving them to find safety through physical movement or withdrawal.

This response is characterised by increased heart rate, shallow breathing, and heightened alertness as the body prepares for rapid movement.

While the flight response can be an adaptive survival mechanism, it may also lead someone to avoid confronting or processing the traumatic experience, potentially prolonging the emotional impact of the violence.


The freeze response is a primal survival instinct which is characterised by a temporary immobilisation or shutdown in response to extreme stress or threat.

Someone experiencing the freeze response may feel overwhelmed by fear or helplessness, leading to a state of paralysis or dissociation.

This response is often accompanied by a numbing of emotions, decreased heart rate, and a sense of detachment from the immediate environment.

While the freeze response can offer a temporary reprieve from overwhelming stimuli, it can also hinder someone from taking action or seeking assistance during moments of danger.


The fawn response, also known as appeasement or submission, involves attempts to please or comply with the aggressor in hopes of avoiding further harm.

Someone experiencing the fawn response may exhibit behaviours such as appeasing gestures, compliance, or attempts to seek approval from the aggressor/attacker.

This response is driven by a desire to minimise the threat and maintain safety through submission or cooperation.

While the fawn response may serve as a survival strategy in the short term, it can also perpetuate patterns of victimisation and undermine the persons sense of agency and autonomy.


When faced with a violent situation, the "flop" response, also known as tonic immobility, is a psychological and physiological reaction that someone may experience.

This response involves a sudden and involuntary collapse or physical immobility in the face of extreme fear or threat. Unlike the more commonly recognised fight, flight, or freeze responses, the flop response manifests as a temporary paralysis or shutdown of the body's motor functions.

During the flop response, someone may feel overwhelmed by fear or helplessness, leading to a state of physical immobility. Muscles become tense and rigid, preventing movement, while the mind may experience a sense of disconnection or dissociation from the immediate surroundings.

Someone who experiences the flop response may feel intense fear, anxiety, and a profound sense of helplessness during and after the traumatic event.


Fendo UK

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